Firewise Assessments

Redings Mill Fire District wants to assist our residents with planning and executing safe outdoor burning procedures. Although we can’t standby for your planned outdoor fires, we can help you plan safe and effective outdoor burning on your property.

Redings Mill Fire Protection District and the incorporated villages in our Fire District became Missouri’s first Firewise Recognized Community in 2010.

The Firewise Communities/USA Recognition Program is a process that empowers neighbors to work together in reducing their wildfire risk. Join the growing network of more than 1,028 recognized Firewise communities taking action and ownership in preparing and protecting their homes against the threat of wildfire.

Using a five-step process, communities develop an action plan that guides their residential risk reduction activities, while engaging and encouraging their neighbors to become active participants in building a safer place to live. Neighborhoods throughout the United States are embracing the benefits of becoming a recognized Firewise Community – and you can too!

As part of this program you may request a Firewise Home Assessment. This is a 30-45 minute visit with a homeowner that assesses the risk of wildfire affecting your home and outbuildings. At the end of the assessment, we will provide some simple, actionable suggestions for lowering the possibility of your home being affected by a wildland fire.

You can download a copy of the Firewise Home Assessment here: Firewise Wildfire Hazard Assessment

We can also come to your property and provide a Wildfire Burning Plan for you. Our staff can make suggestions on how to best prepare and execute a wildland fire used to clear your property.

Remember, you can call Redings Mill Fire District (417-624-2715) or check our homepage for current open burning conditions. We are always glad to help you with any information we can to assist you in completing a safe and controlled outdoor fire. If your interested in a Firewise Assessment of your property contact us here.

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